rivista di letteratura e storia delle idee
rivista di letteratura e storia delle idee
Carla Caputo studied Modern Literature at the Università della Campania Luigi Vanvitelli. She graduated with a thesis in Philosophy on Schiller’s anthropological aesthetics. She is currently studying Modern Philology at the University of Naples Federico II. She is member of the «Osservatorio sul romanzo contemporaneo» (Federico II), directed by Elisabetta Abignente and Francesco de Cristofaro. She is the author of the poetic sylloge A luci spente (Gnasso editore, 2018) and edited the biography of Alda Merini for the book La nottola di Minerva (Gnasso editore, 2019). She is a journalist and correspondent for online newspapers, and collaborates with the cultural newsletter "Prisma" of the Rai journalist Gianni Maritati.
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