rivista di letteratura e storia delle idee
rivista di letteratura e storia delle idee
Marco Viscardi teaches Italian literature at the University of Naples Federico II and humanities in high school. His research interests have focused on the relationship between literature and history from the 18th to the 20th century. He collaborated on the edition of I promessi sposi, coordinated by Francesco de Cristofaro (Rizzoli, 2014). He edited together with Francesco de Cristofaro Il borghese fa il mondo. Quindici accoppiamenti giudiziosi (Donzelli, 2017). He has published, in journals and volumes, essays on authors such as Giusti, Manganelli, Tomasi di Lampedusa, Bianciardi, Defoe, Sterne, Sebald, Manzoni, and Collodi.
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