rivista di letteratura e storia delle idee
rivista di letteratura e storia delle idee
Michela Maria Palumbo currently earns a PhD in Humanities at the University of Calabria. She studied Modern Literature at the University of Naples Federico II. She graduated with a thesis in Italian Literature entitled L’“espressionismo irripetibile” nei disegni milanesi di Carlo Emilio Gadda. Polifonia, pluristilismo e plurilinguismo nell’Adalgisa, with a focus on the critical category of expressionism, followed by a stylistic analysis of a portion of the work under examination. Then, she graduated in Modern Philology at the same university, with a thesis on the relationship between literature and psychoanalysis, entitled Il Sinthomo dell’Ingegnere: leggere gli Accoppiamenti giudiziosi attraverso Lacan.
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