rivista di letteratura e storia delle idee
rivista di letteratura e storia delle idee
Valentina Sturli is a researcher in Comparative Literature at the University of Chieti-Pescara G. d'Annunzio. She studied at the Scuola Normale Superiore in Pisa, the University of Padua and the Sorbonne Université in Paris; in the latter two places she held teaching positions for several years. She works on literary theory, with particular reference to the area of intersection between literature and psychoanalysis, and comparative literatures, with a focus on the contemporary Italian-French field. She has published the monographs Figure dell’invenzione. Per una teoria della critica tematica in Francesco Orlando (Quodlibet 2020) and Estremi Occidenti. Frontiere del contemporaneo in Walter Siti e Michel Houellebecq (Mimesis 2020); she published works on the representation of the supernatural in literature and on pop-horror imagery. She is also preparing a critical edition of Federigo Tozzi's Bestie for the national edition of the works. She has edited volumes as Vecchi maestri e nuovi mostri. Tendenze e prospettive della narrativa horror all’inizio del nuovo millennio (Mimesis 2019) and Francesco Orlando's posthumous essay, Il soprannaturale letterario (Einaudi 2017).
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