rivista di letteratura e storia delle idee
rivista di letteratura e storia delle idee
Fausto Maria Greco has a PhD in Modern Philology, specialized in Italian Studies at University of Naples Federico II and teaches Italian Language and Literature in secondary high school. He has contributed to school and university textbooks, his articles appear in Italian and international scholarly journals. He dealt with the eighteenth-century tragedy, literary onomastics, the themes of migration and disability in contemporary fiction, didactics of Italian language and testimonial literature. He edited Viaggio incantato by Annie Vivanti (Marchese, 2016) and the miscellaneous studies Borghesia. Sette approssimazioni (with M. Moccia e P. Palmieri, Diogene, 2017). His book La memoria dei salvati. Elie Wiesel e Primo Levi di fronte agli oppressori (Carocci, 2020) was granted with the Guido Gozzano-Augusto Monti Prize in 2021.
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