rivista di letteratura e storia delle idee
rivista di letteratura e storia delle idee
Vincenzo De Rosa studied Modern Philology at the University of Naples Federico II. He graduated with a thesis in Italian Dialectology entitled Plurilinguismo letterario e oscillazioni linguistiche nel romanzo napoletano contemporaneo. He is subject expert in History of Italian Language and Dialectology at the same university. He is also postgraduate fellow as part of the DESN (Dizionario Etimologico e Storico del Napoletano) project, directed by Nicola De Blasi and Francesco Montuori. In addition, he is a member of the «Osservatorio sul romanzo contemporaneo» (University of Naples Federico II, 2021-in corso), directed by Elisabetta Abignente and Francesco de Cristofaro, specifically in the research team of «Morfologia del contemporaneo», coordinated by Giuseppe Episcopo and Riccardo Gasperina Geroni.
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